i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 7:42:56 GMT
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ONE WEEK BEFORE THE AURORUS WINTER BALL — set in lilycove city's contest hall, the wintertide open draws trainers from around the region and around the world in a fierce competition of appeal. this year, the majority of the proceeds have been promised to the slateport city refugees; however, the coordinator organization has not skimped out on the prizes. the grand prize? a 300 poké and an exclusive trip to "the lab ray", which supposedly alters a pokemon's genes to express their shiny palette. participants are guaranteed rewards as well.[break][break]

the stage is clad in an icy aesthetic. jutting peaks of ice are erected upon the stage, which grant a regal look to the performance space.[break][break]

after the audience takes their seats, a grand performance by the lilycove symphony plays. classic holiday selections grace the halls, and the strings culminate in a grand melody that ushers in the host. a woman enters the stage: talia bosch, region champion. hailing from fortree, she graciously welcomes everyone, arms spread wide, but with a set of cue cards stiffly set between her fingers: "thank you all for coming to the wintertide open!"[break][break]

the audience claps, and the champion waits for the thunderous applause to settle. "we've come together, here, in hoenn, to celebrate the incredible talents of coordinators all around the world. although we're in dire times, hoenn's spirit will not falter. the wintertide open is a statement to team rocket: you can not bring us down." at this, the audience cheers.[break][break]

talia's thick braid of hair follows her strong back as she gestures to backstage.[break][break]

"so please, welcome our contestants with a warm—maybe not too warm or else we'll melt the stage—" talia waits, but the joke only garners a weak pocket of applause. she makes a mental note to burn that cue card later. "—but a warm round of applause!"[break][break]

the contestants begin to parade on to the stage with their pokémon, the champion introducing each one by name.[break][break][break][break]

WHAT TO DO[break][break]

contestants, please make a post that introduces your characters on to the stage. make a roll using the dice function in your post. spectators may post too, but please do not roll.[break][break]



  • round zero - introductions and appeal
  • round one - winter (one pokemon limit)
  • round two - dance of the sugar plum fairy (two pokemon limit)
  • round three - generosity and celebration (one pokemon limit)


RULES & NOTES[break][break]

  • the wintertide open is one mega thread.
  • include brief tl;drs at the bottom of your posts.
  • if you want to sign-up and you missed the sign-up date, please pm shiv/dm him on discord.
  • there is no limit to how many moves you can use, but there is a limit to how many pokemon you can use in each round.
  • there will be prizes for the winner, runner-up, and participants.
  • there may be a time limit for posts...
  • rocket members are allowed to participate in this event. they can be disguised or play under the idea of being one face in a million. fun over realism is being exercised in this case.
  • characters who are not coordinators may post in this thread as spectators.


@camryn / / / / / @senri / @perry / @max / @molang /

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 8:44:08 GMT
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In all honesty, Camryn wasn't good or skilled at a lot of things. She was a greenhorn who had been sheltered or had things done for her most of life. There was one thing she was pretty good at, though: pleasing a crowd. It was how she made her money after all, putting on elaborate roadside shows or getting the occasional gig in a club doing her tricks. She was confident and knew her way around some lip service.

Contests were a whole different game, though. She hoped there was enough overlap to impress.

So when her name was called, Camryn hopped up on the stage by her lonesome, pokemon away for now, in her stage costume for her shows. A black bow that gave the impression of bunny ears on her head and a dress in the style of an old fashioned tuxedo was what she wore. She had a baton in hand and waved to the crowd before bowing.

"Hello hello!" She said into the ear mic she had been provided for the event. "The lovely Talia already introduced me, but my name is Camryn Rook! I hope that today I'm able to dazzle, delight and mystify with my perfect prestidigitation!"

As she said this, a desk of cards appeared in her hands, which was an impressive slight since she wasn't wearing sleeves or gloves. She shuffled them a few times before holding her hands apart, 'dropping' the cards, only to have them hang and spread out between her hands and as she moved them.

"My stagehands and I will do our best to make sure this is a fun evening for you all! Bye-bye!" Bringing her hands together to catch the cards, she rubbed them together and pulled them apart again- the cards were gone but long roll of silk fabric was in it's place. She lifted it over her head as it unwound to the floor, covering her entire body. It dropped and she was gone, seeming to vanish into thin air.

This was sure to be a lot of fun. Camryn was excited to see what the other contestants had planned!

@contest! c:

tldr: mime girl introduces herself with some magic!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 20:17:38 GMT
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Victor rubs his eyes awkwardly as he is called. Somehow he manages to make his way upon the stage, nearly tripping over the steps in the process. His heart is pounding as his nerves get the better of him - but just for a moment. Taking a deep breath he turns to the audience and waves shyly. "Hello everyone, my name is Victor. And that over there is my Jigglypuff Marsh." He points a finger at the edge of a stage were his Jigglypuff is holding a sign that says applause. Nobody does.

"So yeah, our only thought is to entertain you haha..." Victor laughs nervously and tilts his head to the side. Jigglypuff holds up another sign with a thought bubble that says 'feed me'. Somewhere in he audience an elderly man coughs and Victor shuffles back and forth on the stage. Slowly he pulls something hidden inside his jacket, revealing a red tie which he promptly swings around his neck. Then Victor walks to the side of the stage where Jigglypuff hands him a wet mop before tossing several red tomatoes at the stage.

The round fruits land with a slot on the flood and makes a mess of the curtains. Victor then proceeds to walk forward with the mop, leaving a small puddle as he mops around back and forth. Somewhere a few voices can be heard stating their approval. Then Victor moves to the left, mopping up another splattered tomato. A few more voices ring out in approval and somewhere a man hollers. Encouraged Victor begins mopping vigorously as a crowd of cheers erupts somewhere. Suddenly roses are flying at him as he mops with a big grin.

Then there's a stutter. The chants skip once or twice. Victor looks over at Jigglypuff in confusion. His Pokemon shrugs as she points to the boombox that had been playing the audience track. The roses stop because Jigglypuff is too busy kicking that damn machine to toss them. Victor laughs nervously, drops his mop, walks off the stage and ends his skit. 

tldr: pls appreciate my memes kthx


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 9, 2018 1:26:54 GMT
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senri is a battler, not a coordinator, but he likes to think he knows a thing or two about it considering that he recalled trying for one when he was still in sinnoh all those years ago. of course, performing on stage is quite different compared to just plain battling, but prior to the event, he made sure to study up a bit on possible combinations that others have used before him, and perhaps he can combine two and two together to make something decent. anyway, he does not expect to win. he just wants to give it a shot, even if it means...embarrassing himself in front of a crowd...

he shudders. no, it'll be alright. maybe the audience is nice, he hopes. he gulps once as he lightly tosses one of his poke balls. hikaru is on his shoulder to support him (though he decides at that moment that perhaps he would have to lead the way. pulling out his other pokemon now would just make them lose their appeal in the next rounds). he hopes this works.

when his name is called, he tugs the collar of his white blouse nervously and steps into the stage. the lights blind him for a moment before he takes the center, taking in a deep breath and closing his eyes. he then lets out a sigh and gives one nod to his minun. okay, go time.

"a pleasant good day to you all, i am senri harada." he does a small bow and hikaru climbs on top of his head to wave at the audience. he hears a few coos. "while my background is in pokemon battles, i hope that my performance entertains you. my pokemon and i have worked hard on it." and as a bit of a preview, he outstretches his arm to let hikaru run onto the edge. he then uses as much power as he can to toss him upward, and in response the minun twirls and releases a swivel of yellow stars, almost like a spiral that surrounds the both of them (SWIFT). the little pokemon is not done yet though since he executes a QUICK ATTACK to hop onto one of the stars and then shoots a THUNDER WAVE that blows up the stars in succession to create a shower of sparkles. the minun them hops off the last star and makes sure to push it upward so that when it explodes its the highest among all the others. senri then catches his pokemon and does another bow. he and his pokemon then wave at the audience as they exit, the sparkles still seemingly following them as it is easy for them to move at the slightest movement.

tags: none
notes: eek
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POSTED ON Dec 17, 2018 1:35:56 GMT
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INTRODUCTIONS — the crowd applauds the incoming contestants. the magic tricks of @camryn dazzle the audience, while 's messy tomato display stirs confusion—and good-humoured laughter—from the dark rows of seats. @senri's starry entrance is bolstered by the previous introduction. the audience puts their hands together for the SWIFT's peak burst. now, the audience looks on with bated breath for the next contestant.[break][break]


the remaining contestants (, , , @perry, @max, @molang and ) have until 12/19 to post! if you need more time, let shiv know as his winter break does start next weekend!

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TAG WITH @valeria
gilbert valeria
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2018 4:15:16 GMT
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this is a coordinating contest, but he is no coordinator. its intricacies escape him, the subtleties and charms of weaving moves together for beauty seemingly intangible for him. nevertheless, he enters as one of the two councilmen to do so, in the spirit of morale.

before the introductions, he is certain to mingle with his fellow competitors. lighthearted "hello's" and "good lucks" spill from his always smooth mouth, that charismatic grin attempting to woo each and every one of them. not to root for him here, but to root for him everywhere but here.

the room he's in tunnels into the main stage of the arena, and the roars of the crowd spill into the vestibule that he awaits in. nerves plague him, causing his arms to cross. "'re up first." the slowking stands beside him, her knowing eyes and soft smile putting him at ease as the two share a moment alone amidst the group. they're together, awaiting their chance to expose themselves to the entirety of the arena. he knows he's not just another contestant here today.

gilbert walks in line with the rest of the contestant. shoulders back, standing upright, walking confidently. his smile never fades, and not a hair falls out of line while he stands in his usual suit, slowking by his side. all eyes land on him when it is his turn to say his hello.

silence befalls him while the slowking takes her metaphorical center stage. a water pulse erupts from her mouth and her eyes glow. translucent water glides into the air directly above the contestants, seemingly suspended by her psychic powers.

all eyes watch as the water moves harmoniously, waves and ripples moving unpredictably until they spell out 'VALERIA' like massive bubble letters. he clears his throat.

"i am gilbert valeria! i cannot wait to see what all of these other wonderful contestants have come up with for you all!" his moment is over. the water above them glows more and more before dispursing in a mist horizontally out into the crowd.

- talked to other people behind stage! being a friend!
- nervous but also perfect looking, walks out with slowking.
- slowking uses water pulse and psychic to spell valeria out above the contestants before turning it into a mist to spread out into the crowd


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 19, 2018 4:43:55 GMT
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While some of the contestants socialized backstage, Sebastian could not help but tune out the world around him. Even though he made a living off of street performances, he had yet to perform in such a high profile setting. He had no interest in dominating the coordination scene, nor did he have any particular interest in the accolades that came with high placement at such events. Sebastian was a simple man, and his simple thought was that a competitive performance would give him insight into the tastes of his audience. This contest was a place of observation and experimentation for him, and he had already assured his pokemon that this run was for fun.

But performance was Sebastian's vitality, so he could not ignore the adrenaline that oozed from the thought of entertaining such a large number of people. Make no mistake that he was eager, not afraid. Such exhibitions were a way of displaying the hidden potential of people and pokemon, and he would have the time of his life doing so. As Talia called his name, Sebastian's mind steeled itself and he released a burst of light from a pokeball.

A pitch-dark haze raced out of the waiting area and onto the stage. While the Stygian trail stopped extending, a blue streak would erupt from it. It barreled towards the audience only to fully extend its wings and brake mere inches from the barrier between performers and spectators. The bringer of darkness revealed itself as a golbat, and she would only allow a brief moment for the crowd to glimpse the mean look across her visage before the creature vaulted itself back towards the stage and then around it, dragging the haze away to reveal a new contender who stood patiently with a mischievous grin on his face. The newcomer bowed and then he extended a single arm.

"I have a bit of history as the Street Performer, Bas," he began before snapping his finger. The signal would call the golbat to perch on his outstretched arm. His free arm would slowly wave across her face, and the golbat allowed her mean look to transitionally fade away with the movement of her partner's arm, a trick that actually took more practice than some would have thought.

"And this would be my lovely partner, Sona the Golbat. We truly hope that we can make this event... Inspiring~!" Sona would flip off of Sebastian's arm, landing on the strange pegs that science identified her feet. Sona shifted one wing behind her back and the other wing before her strange algamation of head and torso as she gave a servant's bow. She then adjusted her posture to have her back as straightened as her trainer's so that she may also soak in the lime light.

→ sona masks Sebastian's entrance to the stage with haze
→ sona swoops in at the crowd to spook them with a mean look
→ bas swipes left to reveal that sona's a sweet lil babby

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she / her
november 23
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TAG WITH @perse
persephone amavi
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2018 22:10:35 GMT
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somewhere between touching up her makeup and affixing long silver hair in a high, sleek ponytail, persephone realises with a pang of dry humour that despite having a number of distinguished coordinators in her extended family, she has somehow neglected ever seeing their performances in person. perhaps that's why participation feels far from voluntary; even if it is essentially just an exhibition contest for amateurs - a benefit contest, at that - she can't quite ignore the faint sense that reputation might be at stake.

it only takes the encouragement of her aging grandmother and a stack of her late grandfather's notes on common, entry-level technique to sway her into applying.

persephone takes the stage with a quiet confidence because she is - ultimately - vain at times like this. the dress is low-cut and has a shimmering pearlescent quality to the material; the shift in colour between white and hues of red and blue an intentional echo of the milotic she releases in a barely noticeable slight of hand. apparently releasing pokemon without making it obvious to the audience where the capsule is being concealed was once an indicator of a trained coordinator, and persephone spent more time than she cares to admit practicing the gesture in the mirror.

"persephone amavi, representative from sootopolis city," she says into the microphone as the pokemon coils his body around her in a wide arc, displaying the glimmer of his marvel scale ability in full. the colour of his body ripples brilliantly under the lights, and persephone lets a smile tug at her lips when she hears members of the audience gasp at the display.

a staple of the contest circuit, the choice in pokemon is an intentional call-back to the iconic imagery associated with art. that's all persephone has; the ability to draw on associations in the audience's mind. even the attire serves a dual purpose; as much as it's intended to show bronzed skin to tantalise, it's meant to bring attention to the thin white lines branding her limbs, a practice belonging to the merchant tribes of old who made their homes in pacifidlog, sootopolis and any settlement in between.

as she continues to speak, the milotic envelops the pair in an aqua ring, the sheets of water rotating around them in slow, methodical sphere-like pattern, expanding and constricting in size. in a synchronised motion, persephone reaches out an arm to touch aqua ring with her fingertips as the milotic does the same with his tail-fin in the opposite direction.

"i hope today i can show something unique to hoenn; the beauty and elegance of water-type pokemon in the tradition of my hometown's masters."

as if on cue - because it is, it's all so perfectly staged - the milotic unravels itself from around her, raising himself to his full height. his disarming voice trills out like a song, a quick series of notes that manages to be both sorrowful and nostalgic. with with a final flourish, he seems to melt onto the floor, hidden in water pulse from the audiences' eyes and withdrawn quickly back into his pokeball, leaving behind only ocean spray and persephone bent in a deep bow.

≫ appeals to traditional contests & sootopolis' historical association with them
≫ milotic is extra
≫ probably barely coherent and idc i'll edit it later


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Dec 20, 2018 5:30:53 GMT
always save the best for last, right? hardly. fernando's not here for the glamour or validation that comes with victory. his purpose here is granted by his status and burdened by his position. like valeria, his arrival here is nothing but a faux pas on the region's current status. even talia makes an appearance, the big gun the league keeps in reserve to bolster morale. it diminishes his own presence but fernando has no say on the matter. his attention is solely on his performance, on how he'll be perceived, on how to make a lasting impression which will only further the clout that comes from plastering his name on every event.

persephone's curtain call can be heard from the right wing and fernando is given the prompt. he gives one final glance over his shoulder and is met with nothingness. he's the last, the end all be all. whereas the other contestants could find succor in fernando's imposing frame. in a game of appealing to the audience's taste in style, very few find themselves unable to draw the audiences sympathy when compared to someone so rugged. but alas, the show much go on.


the lights don’t bother him and neither does the crowd. or at the very least, not in the same way that it might bother any other contestant. he’s accustomed to the clamour, but the nerves strike him a different way; it’s not the fear of an audience, it’s a fear of what threats a faceless mass of people can bely. no amount of security at the entrance points can negate his concerns entirely, even with stringent protocols implemented by yours truly. whatever worries plague fernando don’t show on his face; a neutral mask until the moment he is passed the microphone and takes the first step on the stage.

it’s like a switch being flicked on, he breaks into an easy smile, natural enough to look almost shy. the pair of glaceons weave at his feet, glimmering like shattered glass with their MIRROR COATS up – perhaps a precursor of a routine – and he deftly avoids stepping on them because it is all so very practiced. from the cute pokemon, halting where he stops pressed against each other in camaraderie, to the choice in clothing (not too flashy suit from a slateport-evacuated tailor rebuilding in lilycove, adorned with a ribbon for a benefit charity for those citizens affected), it’s all calculated.

fernando smiles wider.

"to the thousands in attendance and the millions around the world, good evening and welcome to hoenn's wintertide opening! i am fernando silph and will be the last of the participants here today. you've met our wonderful cast of coordinators and we've gathered here today, through these trying times, to showcase to all of hoenn that nothing can crush our spirit. i know these times can be tough but we gather today to show our solidarity, to celebrate the holidays and festivities that come only once a year."

an ICY WIND settles around his feet. the heavy mist that comes from the blanket white paints him with a heavenly appearance. the stage lights go out and they focus on his monologue. it's cheesy but brings out the words that need to be said. for the young, they mean little and repeat a saying they've grown up with. for the adults, for the elderly, for those that fear the grim realization of the situation their now region faces, it provides a solace for those that recognize the councilman and the prestige he brings. those who lost everything, individuals like @tsundere who found themselves uprooted and refugees within their own country, are the ones the message touches the most.

"this is a time to show compassion. this is a time to give, not in expectance, but out of the goodness of your heart. this is a time to cherish the spirits with your loved ones. the people here today are your neighbors, your countrymen, your friends and family, and together we share hoenn as our home. i appreciate all of you who took time out of your schedule to partake, to observe, and to enjoy these festivities. please enjoy yourself and, without further ado, let the contest begin!"

fernando does not await applause. he does not seek it. validation comes in the actions that will come soon after. whether it's gossip, sobs from the touched hearts his word managed to swindle, or even a vote of confidence in the months to come - he takes them all. everyone has a use and so long as they hear his message, his job is done. a prompt exit stage left marks the end of introductions and the processions into the first round.


≫ last one up 
≫ thanks everyone for coming and reminds them to be good for the holiday season
≫ +5 pr points thx

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Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2018 10:10:06 GMT
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“This is real freaking neato,” Bailey Cooper murmured as she shoveled another handful of popcorn to Chubs the Spheal. The small, rotund pokemon squealed in delight at every performance, at every sparkle, as he clapped his tiny flippers with the cheers of the audience. At one point in her life, the young officer would have rather dropped dead than be spotted at an event like this–but for Chubs? She would do anything for Chubs.[break][break]

She brought the second handful to her own mouth as lounged in the cushy armchairs that the theater had to offer; the damn concession stand had charged an arm and a leg for her large bag of popcorn... and the several mixed drinks she had chugged prior to taking her seat. Floating on a nice buzz, Bailey is able to muster a shred of interest as she watched the rotation; some faces were familiar, others were not.[break][break]

It took her a moment to find the straw to her Rum and Coke. “Mime girl totally has it.” Chubs made another stupid sound that made her giggle, pinching his inflated cheek.[break][break]

“Maybe the dude with the Golbat, but... I dunno. Something about his face creeps me out.” Her drunken observations were not made to anyone in general–just for Chubs. “What did you think?” He clapped. Did he agree? Bailey could only hum, knowing that his judgment was far better than her own.[break][break]

She chugged the rest of her drink, returning the small plastic cup to its holster. “Perse is in the running, too... I didn't think she'd be into this stuff... nah, nevermind. She's cultured. I should have guessed.”[break][break]

The officer leaned herself forward as the final contestant took the stage–[break][break]

“Pfff–” She choked. Another council member? And, of all the council members, it was him?[break][break]

Chubs beat his flippers against Bailey's back as she suffocated; laughter threatening to gargle with the burn of the rum and coke as it went down the wrong pipe. Fuck,” and she slapped a hand to her mouth to suffocate her laughter. How did they rope him into this? How much did they pay him?[break][break]

Nice speech–just not from him. That predatory smile? Yikes.[break][break]

Someone tried to hush her. She tried to ignore the fizzling burn that met her nostrils as she finally stopped the laughter that threatened to rip her apart.[break][break]

tldr; bailey is here to watch with her adorable spheal


@ all you coordinator dweebs


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2018 16:18:54 GMT
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came by for the entertainment, to watch the shenanigans! (takes place way before the GG mission, freakin' cold.)

He was here for the entertainment.

Well, mostly the performances. Mostly he was here because he wanted to distract himself from something rather troubling. Either way, he looked up from the pack of chocolate-covered gummy bears he was eating in time to see one of the earlier performances pull a trick with levitating playing cards.

Must be a Psychic-type hidden somewhere… he thought to himself with a hint of amusement, not realizing that he’d be working with that very same girl on-stage a few days after the contest investigating some goings-down near Fortree. While the other performances went by in a blur—did someone really try to be a meme lord among the crowd? Was he seeing things he wasn’t certain—before a Golbat (oh, that was terrifying) proceeded to scare the hell out of the crowd.

He’d almost lost the handful he was about to swallow before seeing that the owner was apparently not as scary as the Golbat projected them to be. Well, at least that was a pass…

While the rest went by in a blur—he was mostly here looking out for something entertaining—he caught sight of one of the very last performers, recognizing them by sight as one of the League council members—how did they end up participating in the contest? That was completely odd—before inwardly sighing. While he knew of what had gone down in Slateport, he wasn’t around to help out due to being confined in an undisclosed hospital for personal reasons…

And now that everyone had gone off the stage, what would be next? What magic would wow the crowd, so to speak?

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October 13
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POSTED ON Dec 22, 2018 4:39:26 GMT
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INTRODUCTIONS — the rest of the contestants make their introductions. 's name bursts with splendor, and 's milotic bedazzles the spectators with its impressive marvel scales. the glaceons of 's entrance cast an icy spell upon the rows— but it is @max's terrifying introduction that draws the most attention from the crowd. they say fear can feed into romance, and surely the golbat has sunk its fangs into the hearts of the wintertide open.[break][break]


ROUND ONEtalia bosch returns to center-stage, clapping as the contestants recede backstage. with her arms spread wide, she announces the start of the actual competition; a large screen set on the back wall announces the theme: "WINTER - ONE POKEMON LIMIT". animated snowflakes flutter around the text as she calls upon the first contestant.[break][break]

WHAT TO DO[break][break]

contestants, please make a post with your performance for round one. make a roll using the dice function in your post. spectators may post too, but please do not roll.[break][break]



  • round zero - introductions and appeal
  • round one - winter (one pokemon limit)
  • round two - dance of the sugar plum fairy (two pokemon limit)
  • round three - generosity and celebration (one pokemon limit)


@camryn / / @senri / / @max / / / /

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 22, 2018 8:58:19 GMT
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So, now the theme has changed to Winter. That should be easy. Victor has half a mind to show up in some ripped jeans, a colorful jacket and a hundred dollar cap but he decides against it. After all, Victor is 100% Korean. Not anything less. Besides, he has a much better idea up his sleeve. Backstage Victor had struggled to get into costume, as does his Jigglypuff. Eventually he manages and the curtains are raised. There is a set of microphone stands, one human sized and one Jigglypuff sized, both missing their audio components. After all Victor and his lone Pokemon are a duo.

Suddenly piano fills he air and the spotlight turns to the microphones. A beautiful cold melody rings through the air. Suddenly Victor's voice broadcasts through the speakers. "The snow glows white on the mountain tonight..." Following it is the voice of his Jigglypuff, Marsh who sings the next line. "Jigglypuff...Jigglypuff...Jigglypuff..." The lights dim momentarily as the two voices duet in unison.

As the music builds up the lighting changes. The piano becomes louder. Victor's voice rings out along his Jigglypuff's melodic supporting tones. "Well now they know!" Suddenly Victor springs out from behind the curtains. He is dressed in a long blue gown, one that would belong to a proper ice princess. Behind him is a cape which flutters in the wind from a stage fan. In his hands is a microphone and he runs up to the audience. His Jigglypuff is running proudly behind, waddling her way as her angelic voice oohs and murmers in the background. On her body is a miniature version of Victor's ice gown.

"Let it go! LET IT GO!!" Victor spings around in a circle. "Can't hold it back any-more!" He turns to his duet partner who proudly belts the next line. "Jigglypuff. Jiggly-PUFF! Jigga-jigga-jiggly jiggly-paaauuff!" The two singers join in together again as Victor spins and dances around the stage, belting out his favorite winter song. Artificial snowflakes fall from above as they give it their all.

As the climax approaches Victor throws his hands into the air. "Let it go! That perfect puff is gone!" He falls to his knees and clutches his hand as he belts out the next line. Jigglypuff does the same. "Here I stand!" "Jigg-ly-puff!"

Victor clutches his chest as the two voices reach new heights during the climax. "Let the storm rage ONNNNNN!"

Victor gasps. Jigglypuff gasps. The music slows to a halt. "The cold never jigglypuff'd anyway..."

Panting Victor waves triumphantly at the audience. His Jigglypuff does the same and the curtains close.

tldr: victor sings frozen and references @winter


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
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avatar of moltres
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 17:08:37 GMT
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0000 words@senri

Contests had always fascinated her. Despite her hotheaded attitude and her fiery temper, she actually wasn't that great of a battler. Her own stubbornness had refused her a spot in the Wintertide contest, however.

Regardless, Stormy was sitting or standing among the crowd, eagerly watching everyone's stunning performances. Granted, at the moment they were simply introductions, people explaining who they were and giving them just a small taste of what they had planned next.

What really caught her eye was Senri Harada, the young man she had met in the middle of the sea. She felt something in her chest tighten, and her eyes became glued to him and his Minun as they took to the stage. For a moment she worried about his wellbeing, knowing that he had been known for stage fright to some extent in the past.

When the electric-types swift plays beautifully on stage and the pair eventually leave to allow the next couple of contestants to leave, Stormy breaths a sigh of relief. Had he seen her in the crowd?

Another familiar voice reels her out of her thoughts.. but this time she isn't excited to see where it's coming from.

Fernando Silph crosses the stage with his arrogant fashion. He seems proud and calm and collected. She barely registers what it is that he said or did, her face too red and angry to process what had just happened. She was not at all thrilled that he had participated in this event.

The young woman takes a seat to try and blow off some steam, concentrating on her breathing so that she might be ready to see Senri's next performance.
deltra of gangnam style
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You knew who I was with every step that I ran to you
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TAG WITH @valeria
gilbert valeria
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 18:12:55 GMT
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gilbert valeria approaches the center of the coliseum slowly and alone. the crowd around him roars in anticipation, perhaps still dazzled by 's song, but he soaks it in as love for himself nonetheless. somewhere between the point where he began walking out and the center of the coliseum floor, gilbert decides that this is all supported by sheer confidence. when he arrives in the middle, he raises his hands up above his hand dramatically, creating a 'V' with his arms. the crowd continues to roar.

"happy holidays everyone, from fleur and myself!" his arm reaches back down to his belt and plucks a pokeball, summoning a singular dustox. when he'd captured her as a wurmple, he thought she'd be a beautifly -- so she was named fleur.

dustox is way cooler.

the moth-like pokemon circles her trainer a few times in the air, her tiny body swallowed by the massive stadium. it serves as her entry to the stage before she begins what they'd practiced.

"this is the time of year where ice-type pokemon shine," he begins speaking again, words paced in a calculated way to keep on track with the dustox. she is flying all through the air, stopping here and there to erect a light screen. the plates of reflective light are setting up in a circular shape all through the air, but their purpose remains unclear to the audience. "they get to put their crystalline beauty on display for all of you, which is wonderful!"

the dustox floats above gilbert again, her deflectors set up. she summons a whirlwind -- gilbert stands in the middle of it, but the winds are calmer than a normal whirlwind. they're almost zephyrs, swirling above the trainer in a massive coil that slowly expands upward toward the ceiling. "i myself don't find myself training ice-types so often. i don't know why..." now, fleur unleashes a silver wind into the whirlwind.

tiny white particles dance on the silver wind. the spores catch in the whirlwind, amassing into a massive white ball that fleur controls with the psychic energy imbued in her essence. it resembles a blizzard in the whirlwind, which begins to pick up more and more to spin the white spores around in the bubble. he pauses, allowing the crowd to marvel at the faux-blizzard fleur has created.

"but i wanted to show you my amazing partner, who might prove to you that this time of year isn't just for ice-types! psybeam!" it's the first command he's given her, as if to draw the crowds attention to the dustox. she flies up and unleashes a psybeam at one of the light screens. it bounces off of it, soaring through the whirlwind into another panel, then into another panel, all until it hits the top panel and shoots into the ground to finish.

her eyes glow as she hovers beneath the mess she's made in mid-air: it's a whirlwind containing a bubble of white spore from the silver wind with psychic particles from the psybeam creating lines through the orb in all different directions.

she lets out a cry and the psybeam's lingering particles burst with energy, disbanding the whirlwind and sending the spores into the shape of a massive spinning snowflake in the air created by the silver wind.

the crowd cheers and gilbert bows. "thanks so much! give it up for fleur!"

- uses dustox, talks about how winter is for ice-types.
- light screen to create reflective panels in mid air, then whirlwind and silver wind to create a faux-blizzard in a self-contained orb.
- psybeam reflects off the panels, beam passes through the blizzard and dustox uses the psychic energy to turn the blizzard into a giant, floating snowflake.
- EDIT: lmao i wrote this for like 45+ min a rolled a 3 GOODBYE


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